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School Uniform

Bullers Wood School for Boys has high expectations of its students. Therefore, boys are expected to be of smart and sensible appearance. Wearing the correct Bullers Wood School for Boys uniform is intended to develop boys’ sense of loyalty to their community, reflect the school’s values and encourage them to take pride in their appearance.

Blazer (compulsory from pmg schoolwear)

Trousers – Plain grey trousers – trousers should be worn on the waist not the hips.

Plain white school shirt – long or short sleeved tucked in and closed/buttoned/fastened at neck. Any vest/T-shirt worn underneath should not be visible through the shirt.

Tie (compulsory from pmg schoolwear) – P2Red Stock Tie for year 7-9 and blue tie with a double red stripe for Year 10-11, both made by UNICOL – worn with a closed knot – the tie should be of a sensible length that reaches the waist.

Pullover  – (Optional)  can be worn under blazer – Regulation navy jumper with Bullers Wood School for Boys logo.  No other jumpers, cardigans, sweatshirts or waistcoats permitted. Sports jumpers or hoodies, including those with a zip, are not permitted to be worn instead of a coat or blazer.

Socks – Plain black or grey

Shoes – Plain black, polish-able outdoor shoes of a design not likely to cause injury to others or the fabric of the school. Laces and stitching must be black. No trimmings, buckles, labels, tags or decorations. Ankle boots, trainers, plimsolls, fabric or casual footwear are not permitted. Black shoes should be worn on the way to and from school. Boys will not be permitted to attend lessons if trainers are worn in the School.  See below for samples of acceptable shoes.

Coat – Suitable winter coat (minimal logos). Hoodies, denim or leather jackets are not permitted.

D&T/Art – Blue Apron

Science – White lab coat


PE Kit

Shorts (compulsory from pmg schoolwear)

PE Shirt (compulsory from pmg schoolwear)

Sports Socks – red sport socks

Football Boots – with British Safety Standard studs when taking part in rugby and football

Sports Trainers – Laced training shoes to be worn when advised

Mouth Guards & Shin Pads – are compulsory for rugby and football but can be purchased in any sports shop

Tracksuit (Optional) Navy zip training top and Navy training pants both with logo



Boys are expected to wear full Bullers Wood School for Boys uniform on their way to and from the School.

Blazers are to be worn at all times other than when eating in the dining room or in lessons when a teacher has given permission for them to be removed. In the final half term, blazers must be brought to school but they do not need to be worn.

Hair should be in keeping with our policy on school uniform – SMART. Therefore, hair should be of natural colour and appearance. Hairstyles should be safe, modest and presentable. In practical subjects, long hair must be tied back for reasons of Health and Safety.

Shaved eyebrows are not permitted. Plain black/grey/navy scarves, hats (no bandannas, hoods, caps or other head coverings other than for religious reasons) and gloves only to be worn and these must be removed once inside the building. In the final half term, in sunny weather, plain caps and the School cap may be worn.

Headwear required by religion and agreed with the School must be plain black.

Make up, nail varnish or fake nails are not permitted



No personal jewellery may be worn with the exception of a wrist-watch (analogue preferred) and a maximum of one plain silver or gold coloured stud earring in each year.

Nose studs and other body piercings are not permitted.

Tattoos are not permitted.

Large amounts of money and expensive personal effects should not be brought into school. Bullers Wood School for Boys will not accept liability for any claim arising from theft, accidental loss or damage to personal effects, mobile devices, money, belongings or clothing whilst at school.

Forbidden items will be confiscated and only returned at the end of term.

Mobile devices should be kept off and away. Unauthorised use will result in confiscation until the end of the day with a 2 hour dention.


Bags – Plain, strong, waterproof black bag or rucksack with the capacity to carry A4 books, files and equipment including PE kit.


Stationery & equipment – be ‘Ready to Learn’

  • Two black/blue pens
  • Red pen
  • Green pen
  • Pencil & Sharpener
  • Rubber
  • Craft Scissors
  • Ruler
  • Compass & Protractor
  • Mini whiteboard pen – black/blue
  • Glue stick
  • A pack of coloured pencils
  • Scientific calculator

Students must always have a reading book in their bag

Exercise books must be covered, either with sticky back plastic or A4 book covers. These can be purchased from the School Office.