Our Vision
We want our boys to develop into well-rounded, confident and successful individuals who are passionate about learning, make ambitious progress and achieve high quality and meaningful qualifications.
We support them to become emotionally resilient and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society, including their local communities and the wider world in which they live.
Therefore, our ambitious academic curriculum is designed to provide our boys with the knowledge, skills and concepts that enables them to thrive academically, socially and emotionally.
Ultimately, we want our boys to become: Healthy, Happy, Resilient and Successful.
Our strap-line fully encapsulates the aspirations we have for all our boys. We believe that if we create the right conditions – boys will develop their physical, mental, social and emotional health; this in turn will promote their happiness and foster a passion and zest for learning. If they are both healthy and happy, they are more likely to build resilience, by taking risks in their learning and bouncing back from setbacks. Thus enabling them to achieve success through perseverance and endeavour.
If you would like to find out more about the curriculum please contact the School Office –