An excellent attendance record is essential if your son is going to be able to perform to their best ability at School. The School’s Attendance and Punctuality Policy can be located in the School Policies area.
If your son has to stay at home because of ILLNESS, please follow these steps:
- Contact the school before 7.45am each day of his absence via the School Gateway.
- Where an absence exceeds 5 calendar days due to illness, (excluding the weekend) you will be expected to provide medical evidence from a Doctor (appointment cards, prescriptions, letters or a medical certificate) to the school.
Medical and dental appointments, unless genuinely unavoidable, should be arranged OUTSIDE school time. If your son will be arriving late due to an appointment, a parent/carer must email the school by 7.45am. As soon as your son arrives at school, he should sign in at Reception and provide a reason (and evidence of appointment). Occasionally, some appointments will require students to leave early. If your son needs to leave school early, he must be collected by an adult from Reception. In exceptional circumstances only, if a parent is unable to collect their son they must email the office to explain the arrangements made for him to leave school unaccompanied. Students must provide evidence of their appointment to the School Office.
If your son is late he will sit a detention on the same day.