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Admissions and Appeals

Applications for Year 7 must be made using the appropriate Common Application Form via your Local Authority.

Any child not offered a place will have the the statutory right to appeal proving Bullers Wood School for Boys was named on the Common Application Form.

Please see the downloads section at the bottom of this page for our Admissions Policy.

If your son is due to start secondary school in September 2025 you can appeal.  The Appeal Form will need to be completed and returned to Bullers Wood School for Boys by 31st March 2025 to guarantee that your appeal will be heard week commencing tba.   For applications made in the normal admission round, appeals must be heard within 40 school days of the deadline for lodging appeals.  For late applications, appeals should be heard within 40 schools days from the deadline for lodging appeals where possible, or within 30 schools days of the appeals being lodged.

All appeals will be acknowledged and you will be asked to complete an Admissions Appeal Form.

National Offer Day – 1st March 2025

Deadline for receipt of appeal form and additional supporting evident – 31st March 2025

Appeal Hearings – tba

If you wish to appeal please read the documents below before completing the Admissions Appeals Form which is located at the bottom of the page

Frequently Asked Questions and Guidance Notes

If you wish to appeal please complete the Appeal Form for Year 7 September 2025 (see below) and return the form, preferably by email, to Mrs McCarthy – – by 31st March 2025.  All Appeal Forms will be acknowledged by email, please contact Mrs McCarthy if you do not receive an acknowledgement within three working days.


The conduct of an Appeals Panel is governed by the DfE School Admission Appeals Code of Practice. This is a summary of current procedures:

  • An appeal must be submitted in writing setting out the grounds on which it is made
  • Parents must be given the opportunity to attend and speak at the meeting
  • The appeal will be heard in private and be conducted in an informal atmosphere.
  • Parents will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of their appeal hearing.
  • The Appeal Panel will weigh-up the case submitted by the parent/carer against the case made by the school (which is normally that the school is full and to admit more pupils would cause prejudice).
  • The Appeal Panel’s decision is binding on the Authority and the School.

If you consider that the Panel acted improperly or unreasonably in handling your case you can make a complaint to:

Academy Admission Appeal Complaints
Academies Central Unit, Education Funding Agency
8th Floor, Earlsdon Park
Butts Road
Coventry CV1 3BH

In-Year Applications and Appeals

If you are looking for an In-Year place at Bullers Wood School for Boys please download an In Year Application from the London Borough of Bromley website.

Any child not offered a place will have the statutory right of appeal. Those wishing to appeal should register their intention of doing so by sending a letter, addressed to Mrs McCarthy – Appeal Panel, c/o Bullers Wood School for Boys, within 14 days of being informed that their child has not been allocated a place. All appeal letters will be acknowledged in writing.

Appeals will be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged.